Social Media

Iowa Federation of Labor Facebook page— Like us and share what we share! Iowa Fed Facebook Page—Click here.
The Iowa Labor News, get your daily dose of current labor news, mostly from around Iowa, posted on this Blog page. Some stories from ILN are posted on the Iowa Federation of Labor’s Update and sent out several times a week. If you have news you want to share with us on this page, please send to Check it out daily, the news never stops!
Union Hall (Web Page)
Union Hall is the official Web Page for the Iowa Federation of Labor. Sponsored by the AFL-CIO, this page is a collection of important notices, and a great resource tool for information.

They say there is notihing good on TV—well then check out the Iowa Federation of Labor’s You Tube Channel. Hours of Videos dealing with the labor movement. AFLCIOIowa on You Tube

The more you tweet, the better the twitter! The Iowa Federation of Labor can be found and followed at @iowaaflcio. Follow us!

A Yahoo based photo sharing site. Open to the public. Save and Print the photos we are sharing. Iowa Federation of Labor Flickr.
Iowa AFL-CIO Labor News
September 2013
CLC News