Alliance for Retired Americans

Thursday, August 26, 2021
10:00am – 12pm Prairie Meadows
Remembering the Pandemic: Rebuilding, Restoring
Business: Board Reports & Elections for IA-ARA Officers and Board
In this hopefully post-pandemic year, the IA-ARA wishes to help promote the Iowa Federation of Labor by attending their annual convention as Voting Delegates or guests. This is our way of saying a resounding “Thank You” for all their support and encouragement in this ongoing and fruitful relationship.
- All IA-ARA retirees who are Voting Delegates at the Iowa Federation of Labor (IFL) Convention need to register with the IFL. Contact your Union Local for the registration form, or send a request to Jamie Miller at the IFL at, or register at the convention door for $40.
- All ARA retirees, friends and family who wish to attend the IFL Convention as a guest need to acquire a Pass and Convention Packet for $40 at their convention.
- The IA-ARA will hold our Convention by first of all participating in the IFL events and presentations at their convention, and then holding our IA-ARA Convention on Thursday 8/26/21 at 10AM to present business matters and hold our bi-annual elections for our Officers and Executive Board.
- Arrangements are being made to hold the IA-ARA Convention and Elections in a hybrid form with both in-person and Zoom options. If you wish to attend by Zoom contact either Kay Pence at or Logun Buckley at to receive the Zoom link by e-mail.
- For those who need to travel a long distance to attend the 8/26/21 10AM IA-ARA Convention and Elections in person, we are offering up to 20 retirees reimbursement for your $115 lodging expenses for 8/25/21 Wednesday evening to relieve you from a strenuous long drive in a single day. Reservations: 515-957-3000 or 800-325-9015 or Reference # 08232021AFL. Call or e-mail by 8/5/21.
- The IA-ARA will have an information table in the hallway outside the IFL convention hall. Who we are, what we do, and what we are fighting for, needs to be told.
Greetings from the IA-Alliance for Retired Americans:
Bottom of Form
Thank you for your continued support of the IA-ARA. We appreciate your affiliation to help make the voices and needs of all seniors and retirees heard. The Alliance for Retired Americans is a nationwide grass roots organization, launched in May 2001 by the AFL/CIO. There are more than 4.3 million members working together to make our voices heard in the laws, policies, politics, and institutions that shape senior American life. Iowa affiliated with the ARA in 2006.
Our Mission: The Iowa Alliance for Retired Americans advances public policy that protects the health and economic security of retired union workers, ensures social and economic justice for all Americans, and supports full civil rights for all citizens, so that we all may enjoy lives of dignity, personal and family fulfillment and security.
Our Goal: We educate, energize and mobilize retired union members, seniors and community activists to make a difference through activism to advocate for a progressive political and social agenda that respects work, strengthens families and secures retirement..
Attached, you will find our 14th Annual Convention Call for 8/26/21. The participation will be “hybrid”, so access will be in person or over a Zoom link. We are requesting that you forward it to all the retirees in your Union Local. The IA-ARA Convention is being held in conjunction with the Iowa Federation of Labor Convention. Our goal is to invite all our union retiree brothers and sisters to join us to learn what we are doing in the labor movement, to understand the goals to achieve, to overcome the obstacles we encounter, to prepare for the remainder of 2021, and to organize for the upcoming 2022 mid-term elections. Our voice in the state and national political arena is indispensable.
Mike McCarthy, President IA-ARA
2000 Walker St., Suite A Des Moines, IA 50317