Working Iowa Neighbors (WIN) Committees

The WIN Program was established in 2011 after the several setbacks that working families experienced up through the 2010 Election. We have seen those attacks against workers' rights to organize occur in just about every state.
Here in Iowa, some members of the State Legislature have declared "war" on labor unions, pushing legislation that specifically targets the public sector and building trades unions.
Historically, Iowans have always prioritized education - regardless of party. However, in the aftermath of their 2010 electoral victories, members in the Iowa Legislature following Governor Branstad's lead, have gone after education funding so they can instead fund corportate property tax relief and other subsidies.
Workers, however, can come together to fight back against these attacks. The Iowa Federation of Labor established WIN Committees in several locations around the state to recruit, train, and help elect candidates for local school boards, city councils, and county races who care about issues important to working families.
Committees will work independent from political parties and will focus on working family issues.
WIN participants or potential candidates don't have to be union members, but they should be community-minded and willing to speak up for working families. Prior political experience is not required, only a desire to make a difference in your community.